Michael McTavish is a postdoctoral fellow studying the biological control of invasive plants and the impacts of non-native earthworms. Check back here soon to see more details about this talk which is sure to be interesting and relevant to us since jumping worms have been found throughout Toronto, including in High Park.
We will be meeting in person at Bonar Parkdale Presbyterian Church, 250 Dunn Ave, just South of Queen Street West. Arrive after 6:30 PM for refreshments and socializing, the meeting starts at 7:30PM.
We will also be holding the meeting online through Zoom. Members will be sent the link in the newsletter in the week leading up to the meeting.
Please check back here later to see info about our October speaker!
Please check back here later to see info about our AGM and November speaker!
We will be meeting in person at Bonar Parkdale Presbyterian Church, 250 Dunn Ave, just South of Queen Street West. Arrive after 6:30 PM for refreshments and socializing, the meeting starts at 7:00 PM - 30 minutes earlier than usual so we have time for a quick AGM.
Robert Pavlis is a well-known speaker, and educator with over 40 years of gardening experience. He is the author of several books, Building Natural Ponds, Soil Science for Gardeners and Garden Myths. Robert publishes the popular gardening blog GardenMyths.com As the owner and head gardener of Aspen Grove Gardens, a six-acre botanical garden, he grows 3,000 varieties of plants.
We will be meeting in person at Bonar Parkdale Presbyterian Church, 250 Dunn Ave, just South of Queen Street West. Arrive after 6:30 PM for refreshments and socializing, the meeting starts at 7:30 PM.
Please check back here later to see info about our February speaker!
Please check back here later to see info about our March speaker!
Shaun Booth is the owner of In Our Nature and co-author of The Gardeners Guide To Native Plants Of The Southern Great Lakes Region. Shaun delivers inspiring, educational and thought-provoking talks for garden clubs, horticultural societies, and conservation groups.
It's the Merry May meeting! This means we'll have a bunch of speakers with short presentations and slideshows. Please check back here later to see info about our speakers and what they'll be talking about. If you are a member and have something you wish to talk about and show us - please contact us at info@parkdaletorontohort.com and let us know about your ideas.
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