Our 2024 Annual General Meeting will be held in person and via ZOOM on November 24 at 7PM.
The following documents are available for download and the AGENDA, BIOS and FINANCIALS are also presented below for easy access.
Agenda for the AGM November 25, 2024
Hort Board 2024 & Nominee Bios
Previous AGM Minutes (November 27, 2023)
Financials for the year ended September 30, 2024
1. Call to order of the 2024 AGM, Ron Charlemagne, President Welcomes and introductions, Announcements, HOW TO VOTE
2. Report on quorum (20 members minimum)
3. Additions to /Approval of the agenda
4. Approval of the Minutes of the 2023 AGM held November 27, 2023
5. President’s Report, Ron Charlemagne Motion to accept the President’s report
6. Financial Report from the Treasurer, Emieke Geldof Motion to approve Financial report, Motion to approve the use of financial reviewers for new fiscal year
7. Hand-over virtual gavel to Roberta Jennings, OHA District 15 Assistant Director
8. Elections to the 2024 - 2025 Board of Directors & Financial reviewers
Departing Members: Annelies Groen, Barbara Japp
New nominations for a 2-year term: Angela Fedele, Eduardo Barnett
Re-standing at the 2024 AGM for another 2-year term: Ron Charlemagne, Misbah Mukri-Tasci
Completing 2nd year of term: Emieke Geldof, Clement Kent, Helen Vorster, Judy Whalen
Call for further nominations
Nomination to approve the financial reviewers for this Fiscal Year 1 Oct 2024 - 30 Sept, 2025: Ingrid Whitaker & Patty McKnight
9. Installation: Acceptance of the slate by the Membership
10. Return of Virtual Gavel and Adjournment of the 2025 AGM
Introduction of the Speaker: Steven Biggs – Urban Vegetable Gardening
New Nominees for 2-year term:
Angela Fedele
Member of the Parkdale and Toronto Horticultural Societies since September 2024. Over 15 years of experience in senior administrative roles and holding a diploma in interactive media and graphic design. Active community gardener in Parkdale and former Executive Assistant and Events Coordinator for the Parkdale Village BIA (2010). Led streetscape beautification and garden restoration projects and sourced plant donations to enhance local green spaces. Organised community events, including Nuit Blanche, and served on the steering committee for the H.O.P.E. Garden in Parkdale, achieving significant progress through community support and fundraising. Grew up near Ontario’s Greenbelt, fostering a lifelong love for nature and dedication to promoting green spaces in the GTA, Parkdale and Toronto.
Eduardo Barnett
Member of the Hort since 2000. Allotment gardener in High Park for many years, gaining knowledge and experience in gardening. Member of the Swansea Horticultural Society. Actively participates in monthly Hort meetings and volunteers for various garden projects and the Plant Fair. Enthusiastic about engaging with the community and members to better understand their needs and interests. Originally from Argentina, living in Canada since 1968, grateful to call it home.
Re-election for another 2-year term:
Ron Charlemagne
Member of the Hort since 2010; Board of Directors 2015 to present; Vice president 2017, 2018; Co-president of the Board 2019; President since 2020. Member of the Education and Outreach Committee, instituting the Info Table at the General Meetings. Knowledgeable in Horticulture and technical issues. Volunteers at the Hort Show the Flag events, setting up for meetings, and many other Hort events.
Misbah Mukri-Tasci
Member of Hort since 2022. Interested in helping to create and beautify community and public spaces. Supports the idea of access and encouragement for children to plant and learn about gardening. Resident of Roncesvalles Village since 2001. Changed our front and backyards from having only grass to perennial shade gardens, with some pollinators to help our friendly neighbourhood bees. Previous small business owner of children clothing store, Hoola Hoop Kids Store and children’s Theatre company, High Park Kids Theatre.
Completing second year of 2-year Term:
Emieke Geldof
Member of the Hort since 1995; Board of Directors 2011 to present; Recording Secretary in 2015, Treasurer since 2017. Member of Communications Team (manages Hort website and email communications). Enjoys painting, canoeing, nature, and good food. Has worked as a teacher, bookkeeper, software tester, documentation writer, software trainer and support person, and currently is a freelance bookkeeper. Originally from New Zealand.
Clement Kent
Founding member of the Parkdale Horticultural Society 1987. Clement Kent is adjunct professor of Biology at York University and a co-founder of the Parkdale Horticultural Society. He has helped lead the creation of several pollinator gardens by the Hort, as well as serving in most board positions, many of them several times. Vice-President since 2020.
Helen Vorster
Member of the Hort since 1994. Helped organise one of the early garden tours and wrote many of the speaker summaries for the previous Hort newsletter. Volunteer gardener at Kathy’s Garden at Stanley Park. Project Swallowtail member. Helen is an architect who works in residential and garden design with interests in sustainable design, natural landscapes, travel and art. Secretary since 2020.
Judy Whalen
Member of the Hort since 1991. Board of Directors since 1995; Treasurer (1998–2008); President (1997–1999); Newsletter editor (1999–2003); designed Hort’s first website in 1999; worked with MariLise Stonehouse on the speaker’s Programme (1997–2022); Community Garden Projects Coordinator since 1999.
Many thanks and gratitude to departing Board Members, Barbara Japp and Annelies Groen for volunteering their time and expertise to the Board and HORT society at large.
Financials for the year ended September 30, 2024