We are only able to accept divisions that have had the proper protocol to stop the spread of Jumping Worms.
Clean the Roots
Bare root your plants and rinse away soil in a bucket of water, or spray with a powerful hose nozzle. Make sure all soil is removed from between roots.
Here is a video link for cleaning plant roots for making divisions. This is the only way donated garden stock for the May Plant Fair will be accepted. (The video is somewhat ironic because they are digging up an invasive plant for replanting, to show how to remove an invasive pest!)
Re-pot plant into a well cleaned pot, with commercially produced potting mix. Store the pot off the soil, somewhere worms can not crawl into!
We have FREE potting soil for members that are making divisions, growing seedlings or repotting houseplants for the Plant Fair. Email us at plantfair@parkdaletorontohort.com
Please label your plant.
Label Your Plants
- Plant Name: plus, if you know it's a native plant, definitely say so!
- Type: grass, shrub, ground cover, flower, vine, tree, etc.
- Partial to Sun, Shade, or a Mix: you can just draw a circle - hollow circle is sun, filled in is circle is shade, and half-and-half is a mix — see image below.
- Flower Colour (if applicable)
- Size (if possible)
- An Image (if possible): BONUS marks to those who can print off an image of the plant in bloom or fully grown. Just google it! An image really helps give people a sense of what the plant will look like in time, and it makes it easier to sell.

Deliver Your Plants or Request Pickup
We're gathering the plants 2 weeks before the Plant Fair so we can ensure they have survived root washing and we can price them. Drop off potted-up plants on or before Saturday May 11, to Jessie's front porch — 49 Boustead Avenue (one block south of Bloor & Dundas). If you need the plants picke up please email plantfair@parkdaletorontohort.com
We really, really appreciate your support.